






- antman ✔
- antman - platinum 2023 - disney 100 years ✔
- black panther ✔
- black panther - variation back copyright 2022 ✔
- black panther purple 2022 ✔
- black panther - platinum 2023 - disney 100 years ✔
- captain america - A ✔
- captain america - A - black mask ✔
- captain america - B - blue mask ✔
- captain america - B - dark blue mask ✔
- captain america - C ✔ 
- captain america - C - with shield ✔
- captain marvel (bust) ✔
- captain america - sam wilson - ... Jan 2025 👀
- celestial / eternals ✔
- dr. strange ✔
- ghost spider ✔ 
- groot ✔
- hulk - A - dark green ✔
- hulk - A - light green ✔ 
hulk - A - dark green painted 
- hulk - B ✔ 4.9 green + 4.9 china pink
- hulk - C ✔
- hulk - D ✔
- hulk - E (TM & COPYRIGHT 2015 MARVEL)
- hulk - Red Hulk - ... Jan 2025 👀
- ikaris / eternals ✔
- iron man - A (yellow) ✔
- iron man - A (gold) (B in momopez) 
- iron man - B (C in momopez) 
- iron man - B - lights (C in momopez) 
- iron man - B - platinum 2023 - disney 100 years ✔
- lizardman (bust) ✔
- okoye ✔ 
- kro / eternals ✔
- rocket racoon ✔
- rocket racoon - mini ✔
- sersi / eternals ✔
- shuri ✔
- spiderman - A - (all web) (1978) ✔ 3.9 no feet 9/s + 3.9 thin 9/s + 3.9 thin 7/s hong kong
- spiderman - A - (no web / copyright) 
- spiderman - A - (no web / no copyright) 
- spiderman - B - (1991) ✔ 4.9 china red + 4.9 yellow + 4.9 darker yellow + 3.9 thin "dd" china
- spiderman - C ✔
- spiderman - D ✔
- spiderman - E (bust) ✔ 5.9 blue + 7.5 red
- spiderman - F ✔
- spiderman - F - miles morales ✔
- spiderman - F - platinum 2023 - disney 100 years ✔
- thanos ✔
- thor - A - without copyright ✔
- thor - A - with copyright
- thor - B ✔ 5.9 + 7.5
- thor - C ✔
- venom ✔
- wolverine - A ✔ 4.9 black + 5.9 yellow
- wolverine - B ✔ 

- aquaman ✔
- batgirl - soft-head - blue > DC Comics 
- batgirl - soft-head - light blue > Hong Kong DC Comics ✔
- batgirl - super heroe girls (bust) ✔
- batgirl - super heroe girls (bust) - (stem play code) ✔ 
- batman - soft-head - blue > DC Comics ✔ 
- batman - soft-head - dark blue > Hong Kong DC Comics  
- batman - A - black hood ✔ 4.9 + 4.9 czechoslovakia 
- batman - A - blue hood / pink face ✔ 3.9 austria no feet + 4.9 hungary 
- batman - A - blue hood / ivory face 
- batman - A - blue hood with cape (soft)dbp no feet + 2.6 austria no feet
- batman - B - thin ears ✔
- batman - B - rounded ears ✔
- batman - C ✔
- batman - C - with logo stem ✔
- batman - D (bust) - blue hood / logo chest ✔
- batman - D (bust) - black hood / bat chest ✔
- batman - E ✔
- batman - F - black (bust) ✔ 
- batman - F - blue (bust) (only twin pack) ✔ 
- catwoman (bust) ✔
- cyborg (bust) ✔
- flash (bust) ✔
- green lantern (bust) ✔
- harley quinn - super heroe girls (bust) ✔
- harley quinn - super heroe girls (bust) - (stem play code) ✔ 
- joker - soft-head > DC Comics  
- joker - soft-head > Hong Kong DC Comics ✔
- joker ✔
- penguin - soft-head > DC Comics ✔
- penguin - soft-head > Hong Kong DC Comics (??)
- riddler ✔
- supergirl - super heroe girls (bust) ✔
- supergirl - super heroe girls (bust) - (stem play code) ✔ 
- superman (bust) - A ✔ 5.9
- superman (bust) - A 5.9 painted kicker
- superman (bust) - A - shiny logo ✔
- superman (bust) - A - black curl / blue scarf (B in momopez) ✔
- superman (bust) - B (C in momopez) ✔
- superman C ✔
- superman - 2025 - Justice League Superman Movie - ... 2025 👀
- two face ✔
- wonder woman - soft-head > DC Comics ✔
- wonder woman - soft-head > Hong Kong DC Comics 
- wonder woman - A - raised star ✔
- wonder woman - A- smooth star ✔
- wonder woman (bust) - B (released 2016)
- wonder woman - super heroe girls (bust) - C ✔
- wonder woman - super heroe girls (bust) - C - (stem play code) ✔ 
- wonder woman (bust) - D (released 2020) ✔

- ahsoka tano ✔ 
- ahsoka tano - 2023 ✔
- anakin skywalker ✔
- boba fett - A - dark gray ✔
- boba fett - A - light gray ✔
- boba fett - B (USA) ✔ 
- bb-8 - less dark gray details 7.5 hungary 1 ✔ 
- bb-8 - more dark gray details 7.5 china 6 ✔ 
- chewbacca - A ✔
- chewbacca - B - light  ✔
- chewbacca - B - dark brown - LTD ✔
- chewbacca - B - dark brown - LucasFilm ✔
- chewbacca (bust) - C ✔
- chewbacca - platinum 2023 - disney 100 years ✔
- chewbacca - 2023 ✔ 
- clone trooper ✔ 5.9
- c-3po ✔ 4.9 + 7.5
- c-3po - golden with base / box ✔
- c-3po - crystal ✔
- darth maul ✔
- darth vader - A - shiny helmet ✔ 4.9 + 7.5
- darth vader - A - (mate helmet) ✔ 4.9
darth vader - A - LTD ✔
- darth vader - A - crystal ✔
- darth vader - A - crystal with base / box ✔
- darth vader - B ✔
- darth vader - platinum 2023 - disney 100 years ✔
- death star - dark - lucasfilm ✔ 5.9
- death star - light - lfl ✔ 7.5
- death trooper ✔
- droid 2-o ✔
- droid 2-o - mini (from double pack with bb-8) ✔
- emperor palpatine ✔ 
- emperor palpatine - glowing ✔
- ewok ✔
- fennec shand ✔
- general grievous ✔
- grogu in pram ✔ 
- han solo - A ✔
- han solo (bust) - B ✔
- jango fett ✔
- kylo ren ✔
- kylo ren - broken mask ✔
- lando calrissian ✔
- luke skywalker ✔
- l3-37 ✔
- new order stormtrooper ✔
- obi-wan kenobi ✔
- porg ✔
- praetorian guard ✔
- princess leia ✔
- rey ✔
- r2-d2 - crystal ✔
- r2-d2 - ivory white ✔ 4.9
- r2-d2 - white - LTD ✔
- r2-d2 - white - LucasFilm ✔ 7.5
- r2-d2 - white - red point silver side ✔ 
- r2-d2 - white - mini ✔
- r2-d2 - platinum 2023 - disney 100 years ✔
- r2-d2 - 2023 ✔  
- sith trooper - (red) ✔ 
- stormtrooper - ivory white helmet 4.9 (1997 / 1997 released) 4.9
  (stormtrooper 4.9 : dark green almost black)
- stormtrooper - black stripes 7.5 (1997 / 2015 released) 7.5 ✔ 
- stormtrooper - green stripes 7.5 (1997 / 2015 released) 7.5 
- stormtrooper - blue stripes 7.5 (1997 / 2015 released) 7.5 
  (stormtrooper 7.5 : black + green + blue)
- stormtrooper executioner (black side) ✔
- the child ✔
- the child - mini ✔
- the child - christmas 2022 STEM - galaxy's greetings ✔
- the child - christmas 2022 STEM - merry force be with you ✔
- the child - christmas 2023 STEM - join to the galaxy 
- the child - christmas 2023 STEM - up to snow good 
 - the child - platinum 2023 - disney 100 years ✔
- the mandalorian ✔
- white rocket trooper ✔
- yoda - A ✔ 5.9 
- yoda - A - crystal with base / box ✔ 4.9
- yoda - A - LTD ✔
- yoda - B - LucasFilm ✔ 5.9 + 7.5
- yoda - B - eyebrowns variation ✔
- yoda - B - crystal ✔
- yoda - B - mini ✔

the original series 2008:
- hikaru sulu - the original series ✔
- james t. kirk - the original series ✔
- leonard mccoy - the original series ✔
- montgomey scott - the original series ✔
- nyota uhura - the original series ✔
- pavel chekov - the original series ✔
- spock - the original series ✔
- uss enterprise ncc 1701 - the original series ✔
the next generation 2012 - standard box:
- beverly crusher - (only standard box) - the next generation
- data - the next generation
- deanna troi - the next generation
- geordi la forge - the next generation
- jean-luc picard - the next generation
- uss enterprise ncc 1701-d - the next generation ✔
- william riker - the next generation ✔
- worf - the next generation ✔
the next generation 2012 - walmart box:
- locutus of borg - (only walmart box) - the next generation
(+ all from standard box, except beverly crusher)

(star trek - all bust except: uss enterprise ncc 1701, uss enterprise ncc 1701-d)

dragon ball z1 2005:
- freeza (first form) ✔
- vegeta ✔
- piccolo ✔
- kuririn ✔
- son goku (super saiyan) ✔
dragon ball z2 2006:
- son goku ✔
- son gohan ✔
- gotenks (super saiyan) ✔
- majin buu ✔
- mr. satan ✔
dragon ball z3 2007:
- son goku (super saiyan) ✔
- son gohan (super saiyan) ✔
- trunks (super saiyan) ✔
- perfect cell ✔
- shenlong ✔




- ant-man ✔
- beast ✔ 
- cable ✔
- deadpool / red-black (regular) ✔
- deadpool / inverse - BoxLunch ✔
- deadpool / x-men / blue-yellow - Hot Topic ✔
- deadpool / x-men inverse - chase - Hot Topic ✔
- ghost rider ✔
- hulk ✔
- hulk - glow - chase ✔
- hulk - gold - Collector Corps ✔
- logan ✔
- loki ✔
- loki - gold - Funko Shop ✔
- magneto ✔
- stan lee ✔
- star-lord ✔
- star-lord - gold - Funko Shop ✔
- thor ✔
- thor - gold - Funko Shop ✔
- yondu ✔

- deadpool gamer - black - GameStop ✔
- deadpool gamer - blue - GameStop ✔
- deadpool gamer - gray - GameStop ✔
- deadpool gamer - red - GameStop ✔
- deadpool gamer - white - GameStop ✔
- deadpool gamer - yellow - GameStop ✔

- dr. doom ( metallic / green stem ) - GameStop ✔
- dr. doom ( regular ) - GameStop ✔
- silver surfer ( metallic / white stem ) - GameStop ✔
- silver surfer ( regular ) - GameStop ✔

- bane (the dark knight rises) ✔
- batman (classic) ✔
- batman (classic) pink - chase ✔
- batman (the dark knight) ✔
- batman (rainbow) - social giveaway 200 pieces le 
- batman (gold) - social giveaway 200 pieces le 
- batman (zebra) - social giveaway 200 pieces le ✔
- batman (zebra) - pezamania 200 pieces le 
- green arrow - funko-shop 1500 pieces ✔
- green lantern - funko-shop 1500 pieces ✔
- harley quinn ✔
- hawkman - funko-shop 1500 pieces ✔
- lex luthor - funko-shop 1500 pieces 
- robin ✔
- the joker ✔
- the joker (suicide squad) ✔

- batman gamer - stem blue - GameStop ✔
- batman gamer - stem gray - GameStop ✔
- batman gamer - stem gray - glow - GameStop ✔
- the joker gamer - stem green - chase - GameStop ✔
- the joker gamer - stem lavender - GameStop ✔
- the joker gamer - stem lavender - glow - GameStop ✔

- bobba fett - animated ✔
- boba fett - prototype ✔
- bossk ✔
- bossk - nycc 
- gamorrean guard - funko 2019 galactic convention exclusive ✔
- gamorrean guard - sw celebration 
- greedo ✔
- greedo (darker) 
- jabba the hutt - funko 2019 galactic convention exclusive 
- jabba the hutt - sw celebration 
- jawa ✔
- lando calrissian ✔
- logray ✔
- ponda baba (error box ponda boba) ✔ 
- ponda baba - blue - (error box ponda boba) - chase 
- salicious crumb - funko 2019 galactic convention exclusive ✔
- salicious crumb - sw celebration 
- snaggletooth ✔
- snaggletooth - blue - chase 
- the child (double pack w/ the mandalorian) ✔
- the mandalorian (double pack w/ the child) ✔
- tusken raider ✔

- mecha frieza - GameStop ✔
- perfect cell - GameStop ✔
