

É com orgulho que PEZILLA coloca aqui algumas respostas, de um pequeno inquérito a um dos grandes coleccionadores PEZ americano - Jeff Jones

It is with pride that the PEZILLA put some answers here, from a small inquiry of one of the greatest american PEZ collectors - Jeff Jones

Foto Jeff Jones
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What's your name, where are you from? 
Jeff Jones. I live outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

How it was born this passion? When and why did you start collecting? You remember your first PEZ dispenser?
I always loved cartoons and pop culture, however, I read an interview with a PEZ collector in People Magazine in November of 1991 and her collection was pictured. I knew that this was the collection for me! I had PEZ dispensers as a child but the first in my collection were Easter Bunnies and Chicks and Santa dispensers that my children had received at Holiday time. 

How many PEZ dispensers you have? 
Approximately 3800 different. This includes stem variations.

Which is your favorite PEZ dispenser? 
This is a hard one. Probably the Witch A.

How did your family and friends react to your hobby and your collection?
I have always been a collector (coins, stamps, baseball cards, etc…). My family and friends thought that PEZ was kind an unusual collectible but now they find it very cool!

Do you have some rules for collecting? You collects only PEZ dispensers or any PEZ products? 
I do not collect fantasy (although some are very cool!) and do not collect licensed items. Just dispensers in all of their variations.

Where do you buy them? You sell too? 
I rarely sell. I do buy via eBay, Facebook, and directly from dealers.

Generally, you have a maximum value of money to give for a PEZ dispenser? (optional) 
At the stage of collecting at which I currently find myself, they can get kind of expensive, however, I find new releases to be very exciting as well!

What is the maximum amount you offered for a PEZ object? (optional) 
I’ll pass on this one except to say very much more than I ever expected to spend…

How can you manage the various dispensers that come out only in some countries?
I try to develop buying relationships with PEZ collectors around the world. I have several that I generally deal with to obtain Non-US releases.

Of the PEZ dispensers that already exist and you do not have, which would you like to have? 
Witch B and Pineapple A are at the top of the list. I love the PEZ International made convention dispensers and need several of these.

Which characters would you like to be made as a PEZ dispenser? 
I would love to see new MGM, Warner Brothers, and some Hanna Barbara cartoon PEZ releases.

Do you think PEZ factory could be more innovative in some dispensers? Why? 
The ball and heart molds have been overused. Much prefer the character heads.

How do you store them? The dust, is a problem to you? 
Some years ago, my father had built a series of behind glass cabinets to get me started. Since then I have bought individual plastic cases for non footed vintage dispensers as well as tiered clear plastic displays from Showtime.

Do you have any project related to the hobby? 
I plan to develop a web site that highlights variations.

There is currently a lot of desire in social networks, that PEZ Candy in the USA, could be more participatory in the Conventions/Gatherings, as happens in Europe, Middle East or now in Asia. How do you see this situation? 
I am envious of the great dispensers that the European, Middle Eastern and Asian gatherings have developed in conjunction with PEZ International. PEZ USA could and should do more to support the USA based gatherings!

What advice would give to a new PEZ collector? 
Collect what you like and how you like. Don’t collect for appreciation of value, but collect as you can afford to and what pleases you. If it is PEZ related, it is all GOOD!

In addition to PEZ, collect anything else? What? 
I collect miniature buildings from places that I have visited.

Can you spend a day without thinking in PEZ? 
No. I confess to being obsessed after all of these years!

Thanks Jeff! :-)

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