


Surgiu na página de PezPalz um novo dispensador "advertising", desta vez e numa espécie de continuidade do PEZ Spike dos veículos "Mini" > pezilla/pez-spike-mini, um Puck preto com a estrela da "Mercedes-Benz" o qual é acompanhado de um cartão com o nome "Kraftstoff" (de forma directa significa "Combustível"). Aparentemente terá uma edição alargada entre 15 a 20 mil dispensadores. Mais informações serão divulgadas, se assim se justificar.

"NEW PEZ ALERT Mercedes Advertising Puck!!!

Fellow Pez head Chris Catlin was the first to post a picture of the NEW Mercedes puck produced by PEZ Int. on Facebook. We have just learned that they were just shipped last week. The new advertisement puck has Mercedes-Benz written on the stem in white. The card is sleek black with Kraftstoffe written in white.
This is a German Release, and is not a limited release 15,000-20,000 were produced. We think this will be a similar release like the 2014 Mini Cooper Bull Dog. When we get more information we will keep you posted!
Happy Hunting!"

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