

É com orgulho que PEZILLA coloca aqui algumas respostas, de um pequeno inquérito a um dos grandes coleccionadores PEZ israelita - Faster Pez

It is with pride that the PEZILLA put some answers here, from a small inquiry of one of the greatest israelite PEZ collectors - Faster Pez

Fotos Faster Pez

What's your name, where are you from?
My name is FasterPez a.k.a Ran and I’m a PezHead from Israel.

How it was born this paisson? When and why did you start collecting? You remember your first PEZ dispenser?
About 7 years ago, when waiting for a cab to take my wife and I to the airport for our honeymoon, there was a video interview on the internet with an Israeli collector (Osnat), showing off her collection. I showed it to my wife and we both though it’s a very nice thing to collect. Our honeymoon was partially in Paris and partially in Disneyland Paris. Once we got tired of waiting in line for all the attractions, we remembered that we saw PEZ at the different stores and decided to see how many different ones we can find. And then it began! I am pretty sure that the first dispenser was a Mickey Mouse, but it was a Disney store with many different ones and we bought most of them at the same time.

How many PEZ dispensers you have?
That is a very good question to ask and it depends what do you count as PEZ. I cannot tell the exact amount of actual dispensers in my possession, but I can only tell that I stopped counting after hitting 1,000 dispensers. I will have to update you once the new display will be ready and all (hopefully all will fit) the dispensers will be out.

Which is your favorite PEZ dispenser?
I’ve always loved Zeilpunkt. It is the first advertising dispenser if I am not mistaken and it is so cute!

How did your family and friends react to your hobby and your collection?
In the beginning my wife was on board with it and collected with me. When the PEZ hunt cooled a bit, she didn’t like the dispensers anymore and wanted all the licensed items. But at some point she decided she had enough and now it is ‘Your PEZ’ but she loves going on PEZ hunts in Israel and surely abroad. Whenever we plan a vacation we make sure that there are some PEZ there to find.

Do you have some rules for collecting? You collects only PEZ dispensers or any PEZ products?
No special rules, I will get anything PEZ that I can get my hands on, except for one item that I don’t know how to translate, but it’s for women in their “Special Days” we’ve seen one a few years ago. Not too long ago I started collecting the PEZ cards, as Doron Gazit inspired me. Now it’s a pretty big part of my collection and it keeps on growing. These graphics are so well made and it’s a shame to just throw them away. Ohh, and I don’t actively collect vintage PEZ, they are simply too expensive for me.

Where do you buy them? You sell too?
As the new Israeli importer is doing a great job, we get all the sets that are released in Europe, that besides Halloween, Easter and Vday + we don’t get any of the PEZ soft or PEZ gifts. Most of the currents I will buy at the local stores. I love the PEZ community very much as they are very kind to either trade with me for dispensers that are released in US or special ones made for a certain country. I wouldn’t be able to have so many items in my collection without this great community and friends I’ve made over time.

Generally, you have a maximum value of money to give for a PEZ dispenser? (optional)
I think there is no actual limit, but the higher the price is, the more thoughts will go into making the decision. As we all know, the more you think about something – it turns to a negative – so I will most likely not buy something that is expensive.

What is the maximum amount you offered for a PEZ object? (optional)
To be honest, I’m really not sure.

How can you manage the various dispensers that come out only in some countries?
Through the PEZ community – Pez people are great people and will always offer their help.

Of the PEZ dispensers that already exist and you do not have, which would you like to have?
First thing on my list is a die cut Casper – but this is a just a dream for now.

Which characters would you like to be made as a PEZ dispenser?
My First Dragon, Transformers, Skylanders, Formula 1.

Do you think PEZ factory could be more innovative in some dispensers? Why?
I think that more different sets can be released by PEZ international. There are breaks between the releases where nothing new is released, you keep seeing the same items in the stores for too long, and it hurts their sales. We need more people to buy PEZ and get excited about them. The US seems to get many more PEZ dispensers than we do.

How do you store them? The dust, is a problem to you?
In the past I used to display my PEZ in the IKEA "detolf" display cabinets, but they had too much room for the dust to get in and it was a disaster. Then I used the help of my father in law to build PEZ display racks which were great, but they were open again so the dust was crazy all the time. I cleaned each display every week, and by the time I finished with the last one, I had to start all over again. These display cabinets went down a few months ago due to renovations and await a new display to be built/bought and set everything up – everything is in bags and boxes.

Do you have any project related to the hobbie?
I have my PEZ blog – where I report about PEZ news, PEZ sightings, where you can find PEZ around the globe and more.

There is currently a lot of desire in social networks, that PEZ Candy in the USA, could be more participatory in the Conventions/Gatherings, as happens in Europe, Middle East or now in Asia. How do you see this situation?
My experience with PEZ Candy Inc. (USA) has never been positive. In my humble opinion, I think that they don’t support the community enough and sometimes even go against it. In the past they sued or at least threatened fantasy PEZ makers, they threatened the bloggers over a photo, they do not allow to use their photos and more. PEZ International (Europe) has a great relationship with the collectors and I feel that someone there really listens to what we have to say. PEZ international contributes allot to the fun in this hobby.

What advice would give to a new PEZ collector?
Collect because it makes you happy, not because you need to have it all!

In addition to PEZ, collect anything else? What?
Nothing else at the moment. Real life and PEZ take up all of my time.

Can you spend a day without thinking in PEZ?
No, it’s there when I wake up, it’s there at work, it’s there on the way – It’s always around me!

Thanks Ran! :-)

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