

É com orgulho que PEZILLA coloca aqui algumas respostas, de um pequeno inquérito a um dos grandes coleccionadores PEZ alemão - Michael Volk

It is with pride that the PEZILLA put some answers here, from a small inquiry of one of the greatest german PEZ collectors - Michael Volk

Fotos Michael Volk

What's your name, where are you from?
My name is Michael Volk. I'm a german collector living in Raeren, a small village in East Belgium, near the border to Germany.

How it was born this paisson? When and why did you start collecting? You remember your first PEZ dispenser?
In 1989 I saw a PEZ Mickey dispenser in a supermarket. I bought it for a girlfriend, but she could do nothing with him. I kept the dispenser for me and so I was starting collecting PEZ.

How many PEZ dispensers you have?
About 1900 PEZ dispensers.

Which is your favorite PEZ dispenser?
Mickey die-cut.

How did your family and friends react to your hobby and your collection?
They think I'm a little crazy. Only friends, who collect something, what ever, understand me.

Do you have some rules for collecting? You collects only PEZ dispensers or any PEZ products?
Most I collect dispensers. When I find some other PEZ products, I buy them, but I prefer collect the dispensers.

Where do you buy them? You sell too?
I buy them in stores, eBay, flea markets, internet shop.

Generally, you have a maximum value of money to give for a PEZ dispenser? (optional)
I try to get the dispensers as cheap as possible.

What is the maximum amount you offered for a PEZ object? (optional)
About 100 USD.

How can you manage the various dispensers that come out only in some countries?
I try to find them on Ebay or internet shops.

Of the PEZ dispensers that already exist and you do not have, which would you like to have?

Which characters would you like to be made as a PEZ dispenser?
Lucky Luke and the Daltons.

Do you think PEZ factory could be more innovative in some dispensers? Why?
They make a good job and new things. Go on like this.

How do you store them? The dust, is a problem to you?
I store them in vitrines and outside. I have no problems with the dust.

Do you have any project related to the hobbie?

There is currently a lot of desire in social networks, that PEZ Candy in the USA, could be more participatory in the Conventions/Gatherings, as happens in Europe, Middle East or now in Asia. How do you see this situation?
I don't know much about the Conventions/Gatherings in USA. I follow them on Facebook, but I see the very nice dispensers of other Gatherings, and I think it will be good for PEZ Inc. (USA) to support too.

What advice would give to a new PEZ collector?
Have fun, collect step by step. Start with cheap dispensers.

In addition to PEZ, collect anything else? What?
No, I 'm collecting only PEZ.

Can you spend a day without thinking in PEZ?
No, not really.

Thanks Michael! :-)

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